Monday, 7 January 2013

New Chapter

So, I am single and available now [This is not an advertisement for everyone's record]. Time to move on, I started to filter out who are my true friends and I intend to keep them. I removed over than 200 people from my Facebook account and I think the number [of people I remove] will keep expanding. I found B2 is a bit cold since two days after new year, something has definitely happened I just don't know what. I hope things are alright.

In th mean time, I have this gut feeling that something is not right but what's disturbing is I don't know what it is as it could be anything. I usually have a really sharp senses with these kind of thing. I messaged mom and she sounds alright, I am not sure if it has something to do with work, but it could be something else. What I'm afraid is, what if it is something really important.

On the side note, HR forced me to take a month worth of leave by the end of February. I don't even have a solid plan. For once I'm lost as to where do I wanna go this time and the clock is ticking. I randomly choose the date which is in less than 10 days now. Initially I was thinking of Korea [and around] or USA-South America, but when CJ contacted the hotel, they're out of bed and I don't wanna be in Brazil by myself without friend. My Brazilian friend suggested me not to travel alone over there. She has a point tho, not to be afraid, but to be prudent. Totally two different things. Uh Oh, what to do what to do... :(. Well at least I get to start the new chapter by traveling. Potentially solo, and it will gives me some alone time for a bit and see the world again with a better perspective. Ah that's it, time, it is gonna put everything back to perspective.

giant rubber ducky is attacking Darling Harbour :D


  1. u can drop by KL if got nothing to do..
    m sure bloggers will queue up to meet u :)
    cheers :)

    1. We are queueing up for numbers already!!! =D

    2. singaporeans in the queue too...

    3. awww... blush blush, my ticket still not finalised yet, somehow some airlines servers are out of service, wth

  2. Exotic vacation~ wooo~

    envy envy~


  3. Replies
    1. then I will need to start from italy,

      oh wait, bad start, I went to bali oredi

  4. Replies
    1. sadly no, but it swim to sydney cove, I heard it swim from brisbane tho, got GPS satelite guided thing

  5. Love that Duck and be safe where ever you are going kay?

  6. Nothing wrong with advertising your single status :) Lots of takers out there I'm sure!

  7. how about a ski holiday to Europe? there are plenty of beautiful slopes on the Alps. I will be spending a week there before my trip to Sby end of this month.

    1. where and when are you skiing? I'm thinking of korea, but still not final yet

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. wherever you decide to go, enjoy yourself and have a safe trip! *hugs*



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