Sunday, 1 January 2012

the year ended with guardian angel

Manaia, the Maori crafting symbol for
guardian angel
Day 11. 31.12.11.

This year I ended it in Auckland. I've been stuck most of my 12 days with Y, my best friend, we understood each other much better compared to Japan trip we made four years ago. We totally have different situation now, she's married and went thru a lot with her job and I came out to her. I never thought for someone as conservative as her can be as liberal as well. She accepted me just the way I am. It must have been tough that she had to put aside the values she believe and see me as a simple human being.

Year 2011 was harsh for me from end to end. Lucky? I have a few guardian angels around me, Y, Dee and Seb are my best ones. I never thought that there are actually people who cares about me, maybe because I am an Aquarian, naturally push away people who cares about me.

Despite the weather in north island as the year end, I really enjoy Y's company. As a best friend, she will bluntly put things into perspective. I told her how I felt so sad this avro, but after dinner we split to our own hotels to get change and when we met again for fireworks I felt different. I was sitting on the fence of the wharf and she stood there with her 7D aiming towards the Auckland tower. 

"Eh why ah? I felt so sad this avro and now I have this happy feeling and don't give a damn s#!t", I opened the conversation. She then looked at me and said "it will take time to heal, take as much time as you need to get sad, actually my husband and I thought that it will take longer time for you to be able to be happy again you know". I paused for a few moments then I said, "But why is it on and off, I just want it stays off, it's tiring". She kept aiming her SLR while saying "You know, As a best friend, I care a lot about you and I really don't like to see how you fall down to your feet like this, I can't stand it, I'm sad when I see you sad, you are a very nice person, It's not your loss".

I feel happy, at least I don't spend my last day of the year being alone in strange land and have my best friend with me. I feel happy, knowing that I have guardian angels who are truly care about me, just be there when I feel so down and distance is never a problem. Tho I made so many loses over the 2011, I still keep my angels with me. I hope things will get better in 2012 for all of us. I will still struggle to get over about Jeff tho, but I keep trying to engrave this in my mind, If Jeff doesn't love me, he shall spend his time with the person he love instead of wasting it with me, the one he doesn't love. Then the honking from the boats began followed by explosive sounds of fireworks out of the Auckland tower. HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE...!

PS: I only need a few good friends but they are true friends.


  1. Y seems like a really good friend. That advice she gave, it's really true. I hope you get over Jeff and move on. Maybe you have a much better guy waiting for you this year.

    Happy new year! And that Guardian Angel pendant looks so nice!

  2. happy new year! you are blessed! :)



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